(C) 2014 by Patrick Thomas McCarthy ptmc
12th NIGHTed: On the 12th day of Christmas, your true love brings to me, many kinds of pasta, one butler braying, and one golden ring. Updated to 1960’s Little Italy, NYC, this 12th NIGHTed is shot out of a Shakespearean confetti cannon of sexual confusion, double sets of twins, and families trying to stick or get back together. A farce of epic proportions mirroring the Bard's TWELFTH NIGHT.
Characters 5 men 3 women
Orson Argento: middle aged businessman, Cesario is his personal assistant, Antonio Alberto Argento is his twin brother, one actor should play both Argentos.
Antonio “Tony” Alberto Argento: middle aged businessman, Vito is his muse, Orson Argento is his twin brother, wears glasses, one actor should play both Argentos.
Viola/Cesario Vitale: has a brother twin, Vito, androgynous, Viola/Cesario is Orson’s personal assistant disguised as a man.
Vito Vitale: Viola's twin brother, wears identical wig as Viola/Cesario, wears identical costume as Viola /Cesario, same height as Viola/Cesario, wears glasses, Antonio's muse.
Olivia Ruttate Earnrighto: middle aged entrepreneur, head of the family, widow grieving for her dead husband Earnesto.
Francesco “Frankie” Assisi: personal assistant to Olivia Ruttate Earnrighto.
Toby Ruttate: the black sheep of the family, Olivia's brother.
Maria Theresa D’Assolvere: the Italian maid.
Mel Volio: the butler, handler of personal correspondence.
SETTINGs: 1960’s Little Italy, New York City, Orson’s office, Olivia’s Palazzo, Antonio’s Studio Apt/Office, the streets of Little Italy
RUNNING TIME: 123 minutes 85 pages
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWPKU-H46WE 12th NTD YouTube Promos